On 19/06/2013 22:27, J. David Boyd wrote:
> I can get my capslock key to be super with the command line 'setxkbmap -option
> caps:super', but I can't get 'setxkbmap -option altwin:hyper_win' to do
> anything.
> Running 'setxkbmap -print' shows both options as being set, but the win keys
> still act as the win key.
> Is there something else I need to do so windows lets go of these keys?


Again, let me refer you to [1].  The operative sentence is:

> (Note that mapping the Windows keys to hyper also requires the -keyhook
> option, so that the X server sees those keys before the Windows shell)

One thing I failed to mention there is that without any keymap options the
keymap should give you super on the windows keys, but you will still need
-keyhook X server option to enable the X server to see the key.

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2012-03/msg00427.html

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