On 02/10/2013 7:55 PM, Erik Soderquist wrote:
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Ryan Johnson
<ryan.john...@cs.utoronto.ca> wrote:
I doubt it's an X-server code issue. You tried it on too many machines with
problems, and too many other people aren't spamming the list about this,
which suggests it's something on your side (like BLODA). Further, the only
cygwin bug I've known to cause lots of paging was plugged months ago (it had
to do with sparse executable files and should have been irrelevant for this
situation anyway).
The only (known) BLODA I have from that list is the McAfee
A/V-firewall, which I can't remove, but I believe was completely
disabled by the above described method.
Unfortunately, McAfee is one of the worst offenders in my experience [1]. I seriously doubt you can disable it completely from user space, given its habits of interposing on device drivers and burrowing into other kernel bits [2].

[1] IMO it's a cure that's worse than the disease, but that's a rant for a different thread.

[2] McAfee actually sued MS for "anticompetitive" behavior a while back, after the latter closed a bunch of security loopholes in the kernel that virus-writers love but McAfee also depended on (including the interrupt dispatch table IIRC).

My advice: check out the cygwin FAQ about BLODA, uninstall anything listed
there (or install a fresh VM image somewhere without those) and try again.
If it's still a problem, somebody more familiar with X than me will have to
take over...

If I can get the authorization for a VM test without A/V, I will and
the results will be posted here either way.  Thank you for your time
in looking at this.
Good luck!


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