I downloaded cygwin with X, Open GL, and the g++ compiler four years ago
on a Windows XP system.  I have now replaced that computer
with an I7 computer running Windows 7.  I included all the packages
from my notes before, but I selected the 32 bit version of cygwin.
Compiling the exact same source code with what I was using before:
 g++ -c -O -m32 -Wno-deprecated
I now get the error about the header file glu.h:
error: expected `)' before `*' token

I searched the web and your archieve and can find no answer.

I will also mention that on the prior XP system, I had lost the hard dive
about a month ago.   Downloading cygwin etc. to my spare XP hard drive
resulted in all kinds of error messages about the header files when
I tried to compile the same code.
So I tried to simply copy over the cygwn directory a backup from the
crashed drive.  I then ran the cygwin setup to update (not sure why
I did that).  But I was then able to compile and link my program.
I would like to know what is going on rather than continue with trial
and error.  Thankyou to anyone who can respond.

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Documentation:         http://x.cygwin.com/docs/
FAQ:                   http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/

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