Just tested with XWin.exe version 1.15.1-2 built 2014-05-06
and no crash (yea!).


On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Jon TURNEY <jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk> wrote:
> On 02/06/2014 13:04, Chris Marshall wrote:
>> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Chris Marshall wrote:
>>> I've been unable to debug the following failure because it results in the
>>> entire cygwin X server crashing.  The code involved is from building the
>>> Prima::OpenGL module which fails running test t/02_basic.t in the call to
>>> glXMakeCurrent() in the x11.c file.
>>> I've attached an edited version of the cygcheck output, the XWin.0.log,
>>> and the output error message from the mintty console which appears to have
>>> the "final gasp" message which does not make it into XWin.0.log (presumably
>>> because of the crash):
>>>>   winGetWindowInfo: forcing window to exist
>>>>   assertion "pWin->parent" failed: file
>>>> "/wip/cygport-git/xorg-server/xorg-server-1.15.0-3/src/xserver-cygwin-1.15.0-3/hw/xwin/winmultiwindowwindow.c",
>>>>   line 63, function: isToplevelWindow
> Thanks for the bug report and reproduction steps.
> I think this looks like a bug I fixed in 1.15.1-1, where the X server would
> crash if OpenGL was used on the (hidden) root window in multiwindow mode.
> [1]
> In any case, can you please retry with the latest X server version.
> [1] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree-announce/2014-04/msg00003.html
> --
> Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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