I tried to send this email previously, but I think it did not go
through because I was not subscribed to the list yet.


I just installed cygwin64 with only the base packages, "xorg-server",
and its dependencies installed.

The FAQ (2014-04-29) states:
3.5. My favourite font has gone! The font Emacs uses is just boxes
Only minimal fonts will be installed after the upgrade.

However, on my system, /usr/share/fonts/ is empty.

Yet I am able to XDMCP into a GNOME2 CentOS 6.5 machine and all the
fonts show up fine with the handful of apps I tested.

Can someone explain how text is being rendered? Is Cygwin Xwin using
fonts from the Windows OS? Are the fonts being rendered client-side via XRender?

Thanks in advance,

mike@executor /usr
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.3 executor 1.7.30(0.272/5/3) 2014-05-23 10:36 x86_64 Cygwin

mike@executor /usr
$ find . | grep fonts

mike@executor /usr
$ cd share

mike@executor /usr/share
$ ls
awk  file   icons  locale  man   p11-kit    pki     terminfo  texmf  zoneinfo
doc  groff  info   magic   misc  pkgconfig  tabset  texinfo   X11

mike@executor /usr/share
$ X -query galactica

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