With recent upgrade of cygwin, emacs is always crashing. Windows XP
VirtualBox virtual machines (don't ask)

setup.exe version 2.8.50 (32 bit)

tried both emacs 24.3.93-1 and 24.3-2

X-server is cygin 64 bit on windows 7.

It was working last week. Now silent crash, no log entries.
Occassionally a core dump?

More information - I had an older computer with an older version of
cygwin 32 bit running an x-server and an older version of cygwin emacs
32 bit installed on a virtual machine.

a) setting the DISPLAY to the new computer with the latest version
doesn't help - the older emacs crashes with an illegal system call.
However, there are no problems running xterm.

b) after setting the DISPLAY to the old computer's cygwin x server,
emacs runs fine on the old vm.

Does anyone have suggestions?


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