On 12/15/2014 09:49 PM, Will Parsons wrote:
Marco Atzeri wrote:

On 12/12/2014 7:07 PM, Will Parsons wrote:
For several years now I have been starting X windows by clicking on an
icon on my desktop that is a link to C:\cygwin\bin\startxwin.exe.  It
has recently ceased to work because apparently startxwin.exe no longer
exists.  Somehow I missed where this was removed, so what is the
recommended way of starting X from a desktop icon now?

I seem to recall that startxwin.exe was introduced some time ago
because using a script to start X was inadequate somehow, but I don't
remember the details, so what changed?


OK - so what I get from that is that whatever problems were associated
with the original shell script have been solved and startxwin is now a
shell script again.  But, my basic question is unanswered - how do I
start an X session from an icon?  Obviously, simply replacing the link
to startxwin.exe to startxwin will not work, so I copied the shortcut
from the start menu to the desktop and tried it (after renaming my
.xinitrc and .startxwinrc files to avoid any problems with the change
of model).

If I click on the icon, I *do* get an X session (along with an xterm
that I don't need), but if try (e.g.) to start emacs under mintty, I
get a non-X emacs, with an error message:

   Display :0 unavailable, simulating -nw

Sure, display :0 is unavailable; checking DISPLAY in the (unwanted)
xterm shows DISPLAY is set to :5.  Why's that I wonder?

Further investigation shows ls -ltr /tmp:

-r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Nov 28 17:43 /tmp/.X0-lock
-r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 13 17:43 /tmp/.X1-lock
-r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 13 17:55 /tmp/.X2-lock
-r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 13 19:22 /tmp/.X3-lock
-r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 15 16:53 /tmp/.X4-lock
-r--r--r--  1 william None 11 Dec 15 17:00 /tmp/.X5-lock

Interesting.  It looks like every time I start an X session a lock
file is created and doesn't get deleted, so the display number keeps
changing.  This doesn't look right, so how do I avoid it?

You will get one lock file for every instance of the server you are running.
To remove the lock files, kill all instances of the server and remove any
remaining lock files.  Then you can start a single session.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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