At 07:53 AM 12/3/2001, Brian Genisio wrote:
>Hello all,
>Is there any way to maintain multiple cygwin installs?  I understand that I can
>simply install cygwin in a separate directory, but there is one problem I run
>into :  the registry.
>When you install cygwin, it creates a "Cygnus Solutions" key tree in HKCU and
>HKLM.  If you install a second copy of cygwin some place else on a machine,
>there are registry conflicts.   Of course, one solution is to install one copy,
>and rename the "Cygnus Solutions" key, and install the second copy.  Then,
>write a batch script that will rename the key names before running cygwin.  
>Is there a better way?  Is there a cygwin.conf file somewhere, where I can
>specify the name of the key that the cygwin1.dll uses for the registry db?  Or,
>am I stuck with the "Cygnus Solutions" name, unless I recompile the binaries,
>or add a patch to make it configurable?

I believe it was Earnie Boyd that suggested, many times in the past, that
two installations could be maintained with the use of a simple BAT file
which sets the paths and mount points properly.  It's a variation on your
suggestion but I think it's probably one that's easier to maintain.  You
can check the email archives for specifics if you're interested.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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