On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 11:02:29AM -0500, Tom Porcher wrote:
>I think I see the problem here.  On my installation of Cygwin (1.3.5),
>the link in /usr/lib is:
>    /usr/lib/terminfo -> ../share/terminfo
>This link is fine for /usr/lib, where "../share/terminfo" resolves to
>"/usr/share/terminfo".  But referencing the same link from /lib:
>    /lib/terminfo -> ../share/terminfo
>results in a dead link, because "/share/terminfo" does not exist.
>The link should be an absolute link to "/usr/share/terminfo" and not
>a relative link such as it is.

No.  It shouldn't.  It works fine as it is.  Just don't refer to
/lib/terminfo.  Any legacy software that still uses terminfo in its
old location will use /usr/lib/terminfo.

This is not a big deal.  It doesn't deserve a long thread on this
mailing list.


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