Hello List Readers,

I checked the archives and didn't see signs that this was previously known: I came 
across a project ("gnumaniak") that is creating more updated man pages for (many of 
the core) Gnu apps we use ...


This seems like a good thing ... I know the GNU org prefer info docus as a policy, and 
are not keeping the manpages current. Several times i haven't had `info' working but 
man was, so i think this is a good thing. Not trying to argue policy or anything, just 
sharing information.

As an aside: the packaging posed a significant obstacle for me: this is done up as an 
rpm, and I didn't have any `rpm', and so I downloaded the `rpm' Cygwin port from:


and tried to install it. I didn't see anything (in time) telling me to `touch 
/etc/mtab'  after running `rpm --initdb' tho, and so i cannot say I have it running 
yet (I'll have to reboot into NT before i can try to apply this newly-acquired 

BTW -- is there any other, newer, in any way 'better' rpm for Cygwin which i should 
know about?

Best to cygwin in the New Year,
     Soren Andersen

  Soren Andersen

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