I was having trouble figuring out how to build Java/JNI programs with
Cygwin.  There were a number of threads in the mailing list about it, and
some were helpful, but it still took a great deal of slogging.

After I got it working, I put a tutorial on the web
(http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/) on how to do it.

If you are an expert on these matters (and don't feel like reading the
tutorial), one question came up.  I was unable to link my examples into DLLs
using gcc.  (Or, more properly, I was able to link it into a DLL, but the
Java virtual machine would invariably complain that the function it was
looking for did not exist.)  I ended up using LCC-Win32.  There's some more
information about what occurred (and my cygcheck -s output) at

-- David Caldwell.

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