Jean le Roux wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 01:07:47PM +0300, egor duda wrote:
>>Wednesday, 09 January, 2002 Jean le Roux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>JlR> I need to include /usr/include/w32api/winbase.h in order to use the
>>JlR> GetVolumeInformation(...) system call under windows.
>>JlR> However, as i metioned in an earlier mail, DWORD seems to not be
>>JlR> defined. I tracked DWORD's definition down to windef.h.. but it seems
>>JlR> the whole include chain is a bit funny.. there are lots of
>>JlR> inter-dependencies which are not satisfied. 
>>JlR> Does anyone have any words of wisdom to make life a little easier, or
>>JlR> do I simply have to test for, and include, all the headers in w32api ?
>>you ought to
>>#include <windows.h>
> I've done this but <windows.h> seems to leave my code in a tangle :)
> I suddenly have parse errors in my own header files, on normal
> function declerations. I can only deduce that windows.h is leaving an
> open ifdef or has unterminated strings or something silly.
> Anybody encounter this before? Any suggestions ?
> I can put the compiler output online if someone wants to take a look,
> and ofcourse some code snippets. 

It would be helpful :)

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