Hi all,

I have no problem with the script
for REP in `find -type d -name include` ; do
sed "s/easyphp/easyphp14/g" < $REP/common.inc.php > $REP/commonlucas.inc.php

sed "s/\/tata\//\/tata-conseil\//g" < $REP/commonlucas.inc.php >

rm -f $REP/commonlucas.inc.php


when I put it into a .sh file and execute it.

But when trying to make a makefile see it with target lucas, it doesn t work


    for REP in `find -type d -name include` ; do

    sed "s/easyphp/easyphp14/g" < $REP/common.inc.php >

    sed "s/\/tata\//\/tata-conseil\//g" < $REP/commonlucas.inc.php >

    rm -f $REP/commonlucas.inc.php


I make :

$>make lucas

In this cas I have a syntax error : end of file unexpected (expecting done)

make : *** [lucas] Error 2

my make in, under cygwin under windows.


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