Cygwin 1.3.3 installed in d:\
"UserA" and "UserB" in same group "GroupAB"
UserA's home is in e:\home\UserA;
ownership=UserA:GroupAB; mode=755

In e:\home\UserA,
rwxrwxrwx UserA:GroupAB DirOne

In w2k security tabs, I saw :
        Owner of DirOne = UserA
        Mode            = Everyone rwx
                        = UserA    rxw
                        = GroupAB  rwx  

When UserA change owner,
$ chown UserB:GroupAB DirOne
chown: changing ownership "DirOne": permission denied

But in w2k security tabs, I saw
        Owner of DirOne = UserA
        Mode            = Everyone rwx
                        = UserB    rxw
                        = GroupAB  rwx  

Why ownership cannot be changed by UserA ? I tried use
"chmod" by administrator, it work very well. Is it
related to "local policy" in w2k ( I tried to add
UserA and UserB for taking ownership, but it also not
works) ?

Thanks for your kindly help.


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