Hallo !

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thanks for that - I see the problem now - the varaible HOME is not correct:
> HOME = `u:\tmp1\cygwin'

 No, that not the root of your problem.
 Cygwin is *not* supposed to store Windows-style path anywhere.

> in fact CYGWIN is installed as 'c:\cygwin'.   Where is this variable HOME
> defined so I can change it ?

 AFAIK: The shell extracts $HOME from /etc/passwd, and /etc/profile
 sets it, if for some reason $HOME is empty at the time the shell
 executes /etc/profile.

 But again, for my understanding, something fundamental is wrong
 with your setup. As I told you last time: try cygcheck -s -r and
 cut & paste its report to the list (in case you have not done already).

 And : *Please* *send* *to* *the* *list*, **not** to me ! !


| Dipl.-Phys. Bjoern Kahl +++ AG Embedded Systems and Robotics (RESY) |
| Informatics Faculty +++ Building 48 +++ University of Kaiserslautern|
| phone: +49-631-205-2654 +++ www: http://resy.informatik.uni-kl.de   |

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