"ntea" makes you have less usable disk space- it creates a big file 
IIRC. I don't know if it just creates the file on FAT, or if the file is 
only undeletable on FAT. "ntsec" works on NT and NTFS.


Alex BATKO wrote:

> +-------------------
> | At 12:59 PM 1/18/2002, Alex BATKO wrote:
> | >Is that OK ?  I need 'ntea' to effectively use chmod.
> | 
> | Not if you're working on NTFS partitions you don't.  You're *much* better 
> | off using 'ntsec'.  You can see the user guide if you're curious about 
> | this setting.  Of course, if you're running on a FAT partition and need
> | chmod to work there, then you're stuck with 'ntea'.
> +-------------------
> The windows machine in question is running Windows 2000, and is using NTFS.
> Look at this:
> {1} cd /tmp/
> {2} ls -l
> total 0
> {3} echo $CYGWIN 
> binmode ntea
> {4} umask
> 077
> {5} touch blah
> {6} ls -l
> total 0
> -rw-------    1 ntroot   Administ        0 Jan 18 14:38 blah
> {7} chmod 644 blah 
> {8} ls -l
> total 0
> -rw-r--r--    1 ntroot   Administ        0 Jan 18 14:38 blah
> {9} export CYGWIN='binmode ntsec'
> {10} ls -l
> -rwxrwxrwx    1 Administ Administ        0 Jan 18 14:38 blah
> {11} export CYGWIN='binmode ntea'
> {12} ls -l
> -rw-r--r--    1 ntroot   Administ        0 Jan 18 14:38 blah
> {13} export CYGWIN='binmode ntsec'
> {14} ls -l
> -rw-------    1 ntroot   Administ        0 Jan 18 14:39 blah
> {15} chmod 755 blah 
> {16} ls -l
> total 0
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 ntroot   Administ        0 Jan 18 14:39 blah
> This experiment shows that 'ntea' and 'ntsec' can both set
> permissions properly on NTFS.  It also shows that the modes will
> look different from 'ntsec' if set by 'ntea' (and visa versa).
> I don't know what you mean by saying that it's much better
> to use 'ntsec' on NTFS.  I realize that the Cygwin User's Guide
> (http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/cygwin-ug-net/using-cygwinenv.html)
> about the CYGWIN environment variable states that with 'ntsec'
> set, the file permissions can only be set on NTFS partitions.
> The guide also says that the 'ntea' option only operates under
> Windows NT (but clearly, it operates under Windows 2000).
> But the guide doesn't say that one is better.  I may be completely
> missing something (in reading and knowledge), so please advise...
> I apologize in advance if I am wrong about what I have written.
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