Hi all,

Just updated to cygwin 1.3.8 on Win2k SP2 and tcsh ( version 6.11.00-3 from
the distro ) no longer works. It hangs during initialisation attempting to
figure out the emacs path in /etc/profile.d/complete.tcsh. The same tcsh
binary works fine on 1.3.7.

Anyone got a fix for this?

                                              __  _
David Bailey                              .-.'  `; `-._  __  _
Bristol University                       (_,         .-:'  `; `-._
                                       ,'o"(        (_,           )
Tel:   +44 117 9546879                (__,-'      ,'o"(            )>
Fax:   +44 117 9255624                   (       (__,-'            )
                                          `-'._.--._(             )
                                             |||  |||`-'._.--._.-'
                                                        |||  |||

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