I am running Windows 2000 and have configured inetd correctly -- that is, I
suppose so, because now I can access services like FTP and daytime. And
then, I

1) added cvspserver to the Windows Services file;
2) added "cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs
cvs --allow-root=/home/cvs pserver" to /etc/inetd.conf;
3) created /home/cvs and executed cvs init for this directory;
4) created a /home/cvs/CVSROOT/passwd containing
5) restarted the inetd service.

Now I can see from netstat that port 2401 is listening. I set CVSROOT to
":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs" and I can execute a cvs login using
pserver. However, when I try "cvs import...", it always reports

  setuid failed: Not owner

Any ideas? (I can log in to FTP as "Administrator" or "anonymous" and
encounter no problems.)

Thanks and best regards,

Wu Yongwei

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