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David wrote:

> I would like to assign a tcp port number to an application. Just as ssh 
> is assigned a port number and is listened for on a particular port. Does 
> that clarify ?

Not much. Do you want to code you application to listen on port 1234, or
you want inetd to spawn you application, when a connection is made to 
port 1234 on your machine ?

P.S. JFYI, both of this questions are off-topic for this list, IMO.

> At 02:06 PM 1/28/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>> What does it mean to assign port in cygwin ? I cant understand your
>> question.
>> David wrote:
>>> How does one assign ports within cygwin ? I would like to assign a 
>>> port to a application we have written.

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