At 04:32 PM 2/6/2002, David Guaspari wrote:

>A web search turned up a brief (2-message) thread about memory problems using cygwin. 
> Was there any resolution?  

Hard to say since it's not clear what your memory problem is or which
reference you found on the list.  I'm going to guess you're referencing
this thread:

If that's the case, the reply I gave to Chris Althouse is the only one I 
can give to you.  Certainly more details are necessary to make a more
specific diagnosis.  Perhaps Chris can enlighten you and the rest of us
with the results of his debugging session.

>I'm trying to run a 350Kbyte executable on a machine with 512Meg of RAM and get the 
>message "Program too big to fit in memory."  I just installed the latest cygwin 

Perhaps the output of cygcheck -s -r -v might help, along with some 
details of what the problems are that you're seeing.

Sorry, that's all I can offer at this point.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
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