On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 11:21:55AM +0000, Simon McCaughey wrote:
> Has anyone ever written a makefile converter so that a project written in MS
> VC++ can be compiled with gcc?
> Would anyone else find this useful?

At the risk of going even further off topic...

I'm working on a system whereby you specify how you want something
built in some independent way (a la Makefile.am), and you get
Makefiles AND Visual Studio .dsp and .dsw files generated
(and, in fact, the system has a "plugin" kind of architecture,
so you could also generate CodeWarrior projects, KProject
projects, or whatever... but for now I only have Makefile
and .dsp generators).

I'm just in the final stages of cleaning it up and finding a
home for it (probably will end up on savannah).

Ryan T. Sammartino
It is surely a great calamity for a human being to have no obsessions.
- Robert Bly

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