Peter Ring wrote:

> Please forgive a silly question.
> I've rebuild the previous release (ghostscript-6.51-1) with X support
> (mainly for use with xdvik in order to view dvi's with postscript 
> illustrations).
> While this were not a major hassle (just patch src/unix-gcc.mak a little, 
> don't forget to set XLIBS=Xt SM ICE Xext X11), are there any reason not 
> to release X-enabled binaries for ghostscript? Will gs then not run 
> without the X runtime libraries?

Nope. If you link it against the X libraries, but then try to run it on 
a system that doesn't have those DLLs installed, you'll get "Couldn't 
find dynamic link library "libXFOO.dll" in {path...}" errors.

ghostscript can't be distributed in X-linked form until the cygwin-xfree 
guys create a setup-installable set of X packages.  (And perhaps, not 
even then; it's up to Dario)


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