> From: Robert Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> We've branched the next version of setup.exe, and created a 
> snapshot for anyone willing to be our guinea pigs.
> It is accessible via 
> http://www.cygwin.com/setup-snapshots/setup-20020225.exe.
> Please use this, and report any bugs back to us. We know of 
> one with large fonts, that will be rectified shortly, but we 
> want to ensure that no functional bugs exist. All going well 
> this will be the default setup.exe by the end of the week!

I just tried it and everything seems to be OK. (OS is Windows

There were a couple of minor points that may not actually be
bugs but seem a little odd. One is the big blank space on the
left of the first window, which looks suspiciously as though
there was meant to be an image there.

(Screenshot: http://storm.net.nz/~ross/temp/cygwin1.png)

The other is that downloaded packages are being saved under a
directory named for the download site, instead of all going
into common "contrib" and "latest" directories as they used
to. Was this intentional?

(Screenshot: http://storm.net.nz/~ross/temp/cygwin2.png)

Thanks for all your efforts!

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