Jason Tishler wrote:

> Chuck,
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 12:18:35PM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>>Well, the current cygwin port of CVS seems to store all 'normal' files 
>>in the repository in LF/CR mode.  On checkout (from a local repository) 
>>all 'normal' files are created in LF/CR mode.  This is *regardless* of 
>>whether the local working directory is on a binmount or textmount.  (Of 
>>course, the repository is on a binmount; see (a) above).
> Is the above really true?  I have empirical evidence to the contrary.
> I just tried a local repository cvs init, import, and checkout with all
> mounts in bin mode.  All files in the repository and working directories
> end up in LF mode.


I had precisely the OPPOSITE experience -- with all mounts in bin mode. 
  I started with files with LF endings.  I imported them -- and the new 
repository files had LF/CR.  I then checked them out (to a separate 
location) -- and the new working dir had LF/CR.

Damn.  I'm gonna have to look at this harder...


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