On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 08:19:11PM +0000, Jonathan Larmour wrote:
>max rtos wrote:
>> 4)in Cygwin
>> mount -f -b //./a: /dev/fd0
>> dd conv=sync if=install/bin/redboot.bin of=/dev/fd0
>> then I got
>> /dev/fd0: can not find the file or directory
>> What do I need to check????
>Erk. Perhaps this went away in cygwin 1.3.3 as well and I never noticed!
>I'm CC'ing this to the cygwin list for an answer...
>Cygwin dudes, how do you now get direct access to a floppy disk, i.e.
>sector by sector, not the logical drive?

It went away in 1.3.4, actually.  This should explain how things work now:



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