
On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 10:12:20PM +0000, Rui Carmo wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 02, 2002 at 11:03:32AM -0500, Jason Tishler wrote:
> > However, so far no one else seems to have noticed this problem.
> I was under the impression that recv() bugs had been twiddled in
> 1.3.10... Or did the changes in recv() not address MSG_PEEK?

Hmm, I will look into this.  It would be great if my patch just became

> I did not notice any corruption issues with my fetchmail build - but
> then, I did not transfer much more than a few megs of mail (around 25MB,
> I think).

Like I said, no one else seems to have this corruption problem.  Note
that I spent quite a few hours one day last summer inside of gdb trying
to get to the bottom of this problem.  I saw the read() return less
characters than requested even though the number requested is less than
or equal to what was returned from the recv(..., MSG_PEEK).  Trust me,
this causes bad things to happen to your mail.

> I'm also not entirely sure that fetchmail is not the one inserting
> (or handing over, or whatever) the extra blank line upon mailbox creation
> (appends work fine...). I'll have to check later.

My WAG would be on the MDA (i.e., maildrop) not fetchmail.  BTW, I have
had no such problems with procmail regardless of mailbox creation or

> Anyway, if you've been using fetchmail + procmail since September,
> what's keeping it from being added to the packages list? :) Is it the
> BIND issue?

No, it's not BIND -- it's just laziness on my part.  I really would like
to contribute fetchmail and procmail.  Unfortunately, it appears that I
have chosen unwisely selecting the packages that I currently maintain --
PostgreSQL and Python.  These two seem to keep me quite busy.

Maybe I should have chosen packages that no one ever uses.  You know...
Shelfware.  That would have minimized my support efforts. :,)

> (I'd be glad to lend a hand, mind you...)

If you would like to contribute BIND, fetchmail, or procmail, please let
me know.  I will supply you with my build recipes and help you in anyway
that I can.


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