At 12:58 3-3-2002, David Starks-Browning wrote:
>On Sunday 3 Mar 02, Robert Collins writes:
> > I think cygstart or something like that will eliminate the potiential
> > for touble.
>Indeed, that would solve it!

It would.

I have mixed feelings about this, though.

On the one hand, calling it "start" may cause problems for people using 
Win9x/Me, who put ...\cygwin\bin at the front of their path in 
AUTOEXEC.bat, and try to run "start" from

On the other hand, this is really a Cygwin version of the cmd.exe builtin 
(or Win9x external command) "start", and it would be really nice if people 
could just run "start myfile.ext" OOTB.

Anyway, I prefer "start", but can live with "cygstart".  The "Cygwin 
community" should decide.  (cgf or Corinna, any opinions?)


  - Michael

     I always wondered about the meaning of life.   So I looked it
     up in the dictionary under "L" and there it was - the meaning
     of life.  It was not what I expected.                  - Dogbert 

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