>    rm -rf *.~*
>    ls -r *.~*
>    ls -r *.pas
> However,
>    ls -r *
> works

The rm report ("it doesn't work") is strange. I guess it's a bit scary to
risk trying rm -r or even rm -rv, depending on how rm is aliased for you
(with or without -i?). Why not just

    cp -vr {important directory with subdirectories} ~/mytmp

and then try rm -rv mytmp and see what happens?

Your ls report isn't strange, or doesn't seem strange to me. The -r switch
determines the order in which the folders are listed; to get a recursive
listing try ls -R. So I can't quite think what you mean by "ls -r * works"
because I don't think this should list the contents of subdirectories?


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