On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 10:32:38PM -0500, Nicolae Santean wrote:
> I believe that the 128 megabyte realloc failure is a consequence
> (memory leak - maybe) of the other errors:
> "xdvi: fcntl F_SETOWN: Invalid argument", "setsid: Not owner"
> I am getting these errors first, and then I watch the memory being
> slowly flooded. By no means xdvi should go to 128Mb. I suspect that
> I have used wrong config/makefile settings during the make/install
> and now xdvi is calling what it shouldn't.

If xdvi is irritated by the result of fcntl(F_SETOWN) then you
should tweak xdvi to not use it.  F_SETOWN isn't supported by
Cygwin.  It always returns -1, errno = EINVAL.


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