At 12:16 PM 3/11/2002, Lynn Wilson wrote:
>The man page for bash says:
>Enclosing  characters  in single quotes preserves the lit-
>eral value of each character within the quotes.  A  single
>quote  may not occur between single quotes, even when pre-
>ceded by a backslash.
>If I write the following bash script( test.bash ):
>echo Argument is $1
>If I execute this script in a directory that does NOT constain
>any perl (*.pl) files:
>test.bash '*.pl'
>I get as expected:  Argument is *.pl
>However if there IS a perl file present I get:
>Argument is
>BTW, I get exactly the same behavior if I use double quotes.
>Am I missing something here?  I need to pass a literal pattern that
>may contain wildcard characters into a bash script and not have the
>shell expand it.

This really isn't related to Cygwin.  It's a shell question.  I suggest 
you take it to the appropriate forum.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
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