You forgot to mention that the first email is free, and each additional 
email after that is $3.99. And if you need answers right now about your 
cygwin problem, cygwin psychics are waiting by the phone because they 
know you are about to call. What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone 
and call 1-900-1CYGWIN and be amazed when the cygwin psychics see your 
computer screen through the telephone! Only $1.99 for first 3 minutes, 
and $3.99 each additional minute. Call now, your future awaits!

I called and before I could say hello, they just picked up the phone and 
said "Peter, simply edit job.c in the make source and remove the /bin/sh 
references, then recompile. We've already sent you a bill in the mail, 
have a nice day".

-Peter, a satisfied cygwin psychic customer

Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:

> Thanks for emailing the Cygwin psychic hot-line, where we divine all your 
> Cygwin problems without you ever uttering a peep!  Now please be quiet for 
> one moment while we attempt to read your mind and answer all your questions 
>      ... <mysterious music which invokes a cosmic trance> ...
> I'm sorry.  It would appear that your mind is off-line at the moment.  
> Please try back again later.
> But seriously, if you have a question about Cygwin that isn't already answered
> by available documentation or the email list archives, please send detailed 
> information *as well as the question* to this list.  Despite what I said 
> above, we're not mind-readers here.
> Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> RFK Partners, Inc.            
> 838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> At 03:34 PM 3/12/2002, Daciberg wrote:
>>system = win98
>>Cygwin Package Information
>>Package             Version             
>>ash                 20020131-1          
>>bash                2.05a-3             
>>cygwin              1.3.10-1            
>>diff                0.0                 
>>fileutils           4.1-1               
>>findutils           4.1                 
>>gawk                3.0.4-1             
>>gdbm                1.8.0-4             
>>grep                2.5g                
>>gzip                1.3.2-1             
>>libintl1            0.10.40-1           
>>libncurses5         5.2-1               
>>libncurses6         5.2-8               
>>libreadline4        4.1-2               
>>libreadline5        4.2a-1              
>>login               1.4-3               
>>ncurses             5.2-8               
>>pcre                3.7-1               
>>readline            4.2a-1              
>>sed                 3.02-1              
>>sh-utils            2.0-2               
>>tar                 1.13.19-1           
>>termcap             20010825-1          
>>terminfo            5.2-1               
>>textutils           2.0.21-1            
>>which               1.5-1               
>>zlib                1.1.3-7             
>>Use -h to see help about each section
>>Cygwin Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
>>Current System Time: Tue Mar 12 17:34:01 2002
>>Windows 98 SE Ver 4.10 Build 2222 
>>Path:   C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
>>        C:\cygwin\bin
>>        C:\cygwin\bin
>>        c:\WINDOWS
>>        c:\WINDOWS\COMMAND
>>WinDir: C:\WINDOWS
>>HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\root'
>>MAKE_MODE = `unix'
>>PWD = `/home/root'
>>USER = `root'
>>Use `-r' to scan registry
>>a:  fd           N/A    N/A                    
>>c:  hd  FAT32  29299Mb   5% CP    UN           
>>d:  cd           N/A    N/A                    
>>e:  net          N/A    N/A                    
>>.              /cygdrive  user    binmode,noumount
>>C:/cygwin      /          system  binmode
>>C:/cygwin/bin  /usr/bin   system  binmode
>>C:/cygwin/lib  /usr/lib   system  binmode
>>Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
>>Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
>>Not Found: cpp (good!)
>>Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
>>Found: c:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\find.exe
>>Not Found: gcc
>>Not Found: gdb
>>Not Found: ld
>>Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
>>Not Found: make
>>Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
>>   19k 2002/02/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm.dll
>>   22k 2001/12/13 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-1.dll
>>   45k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform5.dll
>>   26k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu5.dll
>>  156k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++5.dll
>>  226k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses5.dll
>>   15k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel5.dll
>>   35k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform6.dll
>>   20k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu6.dll
>>  175k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++6.dll
>>  202k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses6.dll
>>   12k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel6.dll
>>   17k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory4.dll
>>  108k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline4.dll
>>   20k 2002/01/13 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory5.dll
>>  121k 2002/01/13 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline5.dll
>>   40k 2001/11/21 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcre.dll
>>   39k 2001/11/21 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcreposix.dll
>>   50k 2002/01/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cygz.dll
>>  751k 2002/02/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll
>>    Cygwin DLL version info:
>>        DLL version: 1.3.10
>>        DLL epoch: 19
>>        DLL bad signal mask: 19005
>>        DLL old termios: 5
>>        DLL malloc env: 28
>>        API major: 0
>>        API minor: 51
>>        Shared data: 3
>>        DLL identifier: cygwin1
>>        Mount registry: 2
>>        Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
>>        Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
>>        Program options name: Program Options
>>        Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
>>        Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
>>        Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
>>        Cygdrive default prefix: 
>>        Build date: Mon Feb 25 11:14:34 EST 2002
>>        Shared id: cygwin1S3
>>Cygwin Package Information
>>Package             Version             
>>ash                 20020131-1          
>>bash                2.05a-3             
>>cygwin              1.3.10-1            
>>diff                0.0                 
>>fileutils           4.1-1               
>>findutils           4.1                 
>>gawk                3.0.4-1             
>>gdbm                1.8.0-4             
>>grep                2.5g                
>>gzip                1.3.2-1             
>>libintl1            0.10.40-1           
>>libncurses5         5.2-1               
>>libncurses6         5.2-8               
>>libreadline4        4.1-2               
>>libreadline5        4.2a-1              
>>login               1.4-3               
>>ncurses             5.2-8               
>>pcre                3.7-1               
>>readline            4.2a-1              
>>sed                 3.02-1              
>>sh-utils            2.0-2               
>>tar                 1.13.19-1           
>>termcap             20010825-1          
>>terminfo            5.2-1               
>>textutils           2.0.21-1            
>>which               1.5-1               
>>zlib                1.1.3-7             
>>Use -h to see help about each section
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