Hi all,

Just writing to announce my first Unix/Cygwin app, it's a tiny utility
that makes changing directories faster.  It tries to expand each
'step' of a path as a wildcard from both the current directory and
also from each directory in an environment variable.

For example, if you have ~/my_web_server.com/long-path-150 and ~/ is in your
SEARCH environment, you can type (from any folder on your machine):

fcd my/*150

and it will take you there.  The program is implemented to just print
out the name of the path it finds, and it's wired into the shell via
a function on bash and an alias on tcsh.

Anyway, it's my first real unix-style app so I'm anxious for feedback.
It compiles on Solaris, MacOS X and Cygwin (and probably others, let
me know if you try compiling it somewhere else).

The link to the latest version can be found at http://www.wadeb.com/,
the direct link is:



Wade Brainerd

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