
We recently installed a number of netgear 620/621 gig-e cards and noticed
that the cygwin rcp client (/usr/bin/rcp.exe) in our recent versions of
cygwin (1.3.3 to 10) run very slowly over the gig-e (about 10times slower
than the W2k's /winnt/system32/rcp.exe (1.5mB/s  as apposed to 15 mB/s)).
We don't notice a particular speed difference between the two on our 100mb
machines,  in fact,  cygwin's rcp is much faster over the 100mb (about
4mB/s) than it is on the gigabit.  I tryed it on a different brand of gig-e
card and had nearly the same results.  Any ideas?

Bruce Dobrin

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