Brendan Drew wrote:

> I've been trying to get PdfLaTeX & PdfTeX up and running but with little
> luck -- the installation of the kpathsea packages went smoothely until it
> came time to the post-install stuff with pdf(la)tex. Both complained about
> not being able to find cygpng2.dll. I looked around and, sure enough, I
> couldn't find it either anywhere on my harddisk. Also, a quick look through
> the FAQ's didn't turn anything up, so I'm wondering if anyone has any
> suggestions.

Go here:

Search for "cygpng2.dll" -- it will report that the desired file is in the

libpng/libpng-1.0.11-1     PNG library - development 
libpng2/libpng2-1.0.12-1   PNG library - 1.0.x runtime

Now, that's a bit confusing.  But, if you run setup, you'll see that 
"libpng-1.0.11-1" is a "prev" release, so libpng2-1.0.12-1 is what you 
want.  Install that.

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