Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 02:15:46PM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> >If setup.exe is doing something that shouldn't work on win9x->XP but
> >that does.. then we've discovered another MS bug to add to the
> >bug-compatible checklist. However I suspect we've just found a hole in
> >WINE.
> Why do I have a feeling that for most of the people in this list, when
> the lights go out after using a hair dryer, they blame the power company?

Are you sure?

I think they will start troubleshooting and ask themselves what was the
last thing they did before the lights went out: update to the lastest
cygwin dll. (so send email blaming cygwin).

Next verify that downgrading to a "stable" cygwin dll will fix it, so
search for that good old copy of cygwin B20 (B19 will also do here).
This takes some time including going to another room a back again
(switching the light on while returning). Install B20. And the light is
back on! Send mail asking why cygwin is so mean.

Get offended when someone suggests that this could be related to
switching the light on and off. Send mail asking why cygwin endorses
such a "decorated, almost baroque level of mean".

> cgf

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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