> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gaethofs, Danny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 7:48 PM
> Subject: New SETUP.EXE
> Dear all,
> I have installed the new setup and I am installing 
> new binaries from one of the mirror sites. What I notice is 
> that when I install from the internet setup creates a new 
> directory on my windows file system. In that new directory 
> setup stores the setup.ini and the contrib plus latest 
> directories. The directory name now is called 
> ftp%3a%2fmirrors.rcn.net%2fmirrors ....... while the contrib 
> and latest directory were created in the local package 
> directory itselve. 

Something in the above paragraph is fictional. I'm going to assume it's
the setup version. (2.125.x don't use per-mirror directories). 
> Is setup now going to install from this new directory or is 
> it not going to find the binaries. 

It's going to install from a random directory. Or it might format your
hard disk. I'm not 100% sure because I haven't looked up the phase of
the moon and that's really important to determine what will happen. 

Seriously, do you think we'd release known-broken software? (Minor
glitches, yes, broken no). Just keep using it *exactly* as you did
before. Ignore what it does for IT's OWN HOUSEKEEPING. The contents of
the 'local dir' you give it are under it's control. Unless it
misbehaves, you can just ignore it.

> What is different between 
> the new approach and the one from a few weeks ago. What can I 
> do to get it working again as before. When I use different 
> mirror sites what result will this have on my installation?

If you use different mirror sites you will get mulitple per-mirror
directories. You can also *merge* the contents of mirror sites on the
fly, to get a view of multiple mirrors/providers. For example I use this
to look at Charles Wilson's pre-test packages from my normal install


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