While trying to use cvs on cygwin (Windows XP) the command "cvs -d 
/usr/local/cvs-repository update" returns the error "directory 
/usr/local/cvs-repostory does not exist".  "ls" has no problem finding the 
directory and it is possible to cd to the directory.  Thought this might be 
due to installing the cvs binary so downloaded and build/installed cvs from 
souce in cygwin.  No improvement.

While using gvim (started from a cygwin command prompt) if there is a Windows 
directory c:\cygwin\usr\wx2 that has been mounted as /usr/wx2, gvim can see 
the directory but cannot see the files in it or subdirectories of it. 
 If one first cd's to the /usr/wx2 then gvim can see all files in the 

Any help understanding and correcting these problems would be greatly 
appreciated.  Thank you.

-- Michael

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