When I write new code, _I_ will not use ftime again. In fact, I have fixed
my synctime program with an ugly "ifndef __CYGWIN__" macro and replaced
code using ftime with _timezone (timezone). However, breaking legacy code
is not good behaviour for a (runtime) environment.

Also, I don't intend my code will run on any platforms. In fact, seldom
will any code with a little complexity without real-environment test. I DO
want my code to run flawlessly on frequently-used x86 Unix enviroments,
Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin, etc.

Sorry that I do not understand your English very well. But I hope I have
expressed my meanings.

Best regards,

Wu Yongwei

--- Original Message from Randall R Schulz ---


At 18:45 2002-03-25, you wrote:
>Hope I am clear enough. I am arguing here for a BETTER Cygwin.

No. You're asking to be let off the hook for either writing intrinsically
portable code or of featuring it with conditional compilation directives
so that it functions as you want it to on all platforms you want to claim to

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