Christopher wrote
>>I've got the same problem with a self-engineered program here.  For
>>use Cygwin 1.3.9 now, but I had the problem with 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 also.
> Lets go back to first principals here.  When you see a bug you suspect
> that there is a bug in the program.  To debug a program you use gdb.
Nice, Christopher. I've done this for at least 3 month, ever and ever again.
I suspect three possible problems:
1. I do not fully understand how (v)printf works. Maybe.
2. I'm to blind, frustated etc. to understand gdb's output. Most likely now.
3. I depend on something not portable. Happens often.

What I do not understand is why the problem only occur if Cygwin is using
DOS linefeeds. The same program works fine with UNIX linefeeds. What's
the difference from the application's point of view?

> It's really simple.  No email to a mailing list required.  No speculation
> that it could be a cygwin version.  You run the program under the debugger
> and find out where the problem is.
Sorry, I have to find my protecting coat of sarcasm, so I shut up now.


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