> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexei Lioubimov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 2:29 AM
> Subject: setup Questions about the "per-mirror 
> directories" feature
> Hello,
> I have few questions about the new per-mirror approach of setup:
> 1) What are the advantages, how to make use of them?

It's part of allowing federated installation sites - like apt-get or
In the mirrors list just add a new mirror by typing it in the box, or
select multiple mirrors via ctrl-click or shift-click.
> 2) Is it possible to delete old versions (downloaded by old 
> setup) of the already updated (by new setup) packages? (I 
> mean, that old versions are still in .../latest & .../contrib 
> and new ones are in .../some_mirror_site_directory/latest)

Up to you. Setup will use everything it can find under the directory you
tell it..
> 3) When will be updated the "Cygwin package contributors 
> guide"? I've been using setup for installing some local stuff 
> (gtk+ etc) and now i'm not sure about the details - naming 
> convention, storage, setup.hint & setup.ini syntax and so on...

It is up to date! http://www.cygwin.com/setup.html.


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