IIRC, if you check the archives, you should find that the behavior of 
sourcing the .bashrc file in /etc/profile was discontinued in later 
cygwin releases. The fact that you have it from over a year ago is 
probably because the cygwin install does not overwrite files that have 
been modified or exist previously.


Randall R Schulz wrote:

> Roland,
> My /etc/profile contains exactly the line you quote. It is the last line 
> of that file, immediately following a "cd $HOME" command. This file 
> bears the modification date May 10, 2001. It may be a coincidence, but 
> that's right when I installed Cygwin for the first time on what was then 
> a new, "clean" Windows 2000 Professional installation on this disk.
> Randall Schulz
> Mountain View, CA USA
> At 08:37 2002-03-26, Roland Glenn McIntosh wrote:
>> I just did a recent brand new install yesterday and I noticed that 
>> /etc/profile no longer contains a line like:
>>         test -f ./.bashrc && . ./.bashrc
>> It took me a second to figure out why .bashrc wasn't getting read (I 
>> thought it happened automatically by the shell) until I compared it to 
>> an older "working" cygwin install.
>> Is there a specific reason for that missing line in /etc/profile, or 
>> could it have been an oversight?  I did notice that my redhat 7 
>> system's /etc/profile doesn't seem to include such a line.
>> -rgm
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