On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 08:12:21PM +0800, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> Does such a thing exist? (and one for lib, link & rc as well)  

Yes. SN Systems uses such a system to integrate the GameCube
cross-compiler (which is gcc based) with Visual Studio.  
Intel also has such a system so that you can easily switch 
between MS cl.exe and intelc.exe.

> If not, I 
> would like to make one, I know most of how to do it, only thing I dont 
> know is what code to use to execute gcc once the arguments are passed, 
> what code to use to wait until gcc has finised and what code to use to 
> pass the return code from gcc back to the process that called the cl stub.

Uh... sounds like you've got a lot of learning ahead of you then :)

Ryan T. Sammartino
All newspaper editorial writers ever do is come down from the hills after
the battle is over and shoot the wounded.

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