Michael,Andrew,Christopher and Corinna
Thanks very much for your response. 
I have openssl installed, but I would really appreciate, if you can tell me
how to use for my requirement.
My requirement is, I have a  simple text file which has some sensitive
information, and I want encrypt this file this file using some password and
similarly decrypt the file using the same password. The vi -x filename,
command will not work because these steps should be done in shell scripts.
Is it possible to do the same in openssl ?.
Thanks for your help.

At 08:57 4-4-2002, Andrew Markebo wrote:
>/ "Gupta, Sanjay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| I have read http://lists.hellug.gr/pipermail/mcrypt-dev/2001/000087.html
>| note and I have tried every thing which was mentioned here but did not
>Any special reason for wanting crypt/mcrypt, maybe choose pgp or
>gpg(?) (the gnu-version of pgp) that is available on many platforms..

If compatibility with Solaris crypt is not an issue, then I recommend to 
use OpenSSL - this comes with a command-line tool, appropriately called 
"openssl".  No porting required - just install the latest openssl package 
using setup.exe.

  - Michael

     I always wondered about the meaning of life.   So I looked it
     up in the dictionary under "L" and there it was - the meaning
     of life.  It was not what I expected.                  - Dogbert 

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