Schwartz, Barry wrote:

> I'm sure you won't put this in the "intelligent" question genre but...
> I've been using cygwin for years and I brag about it and make all my teammates 
>install it and make my managers refuse to piss away money on MKS...
> Well, I think that party's over.  I just installed the new distribution and every 
>one (and I mean EVERY GODDAMN ONE) of my scripts that call any of your routines that 
>need to know what a host or a directory are f#$king broke.  What in god's name is 
>"/usr/local/bin" on a windows machine?  Why don't you UNIX weeneies get a grip.  
>F#$king fix it.  It used to be great.  Now I can't even change a directory.
> I've gone back to your old, unsupported code until we can find the money to equip 
>our team with MKS for $400 a throw.  Thanks for making a great product unusable.

BTW, did it occur to anyone that the rapid and multiple responses to 
this email -- which, given its tone and lack of specific content 
qualifies as a troll by any objective measure -- serve to ENCOURAGE this 
sort of insistent, badgering, and rude behavior?

I mean, geez -- it worked, didn't it?  The guy IS getting his answers -- 
and very rapidly...  In behavioral science, we call this "positive 
reinforcement of aberrent behavior".


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