Dear Elegant,

Please be specific about what program implements the "expr substr" command. 
The phrase "the command line" is not singly defined on any Unix (or 
Unix-like) system extant today.

In this case, it's TCSH, which is not the default Cygwin shell (BASH is).

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 05:30 2002-04-23, Gilgamesh Nootebos wrote:
>Michael A Chase wrote:
>>On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 07:05:06 +0100 Jim George 
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Can someone tell me which package provides the substr command line routine?
>>>In this case, you probably want sed, gawk, or Perl, there is no UNIX 
>>>command 'substr'.
> From the commandline you can use 'expr substr <string> <begin> <length>'
>It's crude and OT but I just happened to need it today so I remembered this.
>Gilgamesh Nootebos (Elegant Relational Development)

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