> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Sam Edge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 8:17 PM
> > Every version of setup.exe I've used exhibits this annoying
> > behaviour but them I'm new here.
> >
> > I agree with Daniele. I install different subsets of the
> > packages on several machines. I also like to keep a copy of
> > the most up-to-date versions of packages that I don't
> > currently use on any of them, in case I need them where I've
> > no (or poor) access to the 'Net.
> So use a mirroring tool! Setup.exe is -not- designed for this. If you
> want a setup.ini parsing mirroring tool, take me up on my offer to help
> someone leverage the setup.ini codebase to build a mirroring tool.
> Rob

What am I missing in all these posts?  Didn't somebody post a while ago that if
you set your "Local Package Directory" to a network share and do "Install From
Internet", you get all the functionality people are wanting here?  Now I admit
I've not tried it myself (though I have plenty of reason to do so and should,
maybe next week), but what more do people want here?

Maybe we should dump the "Download" option entirely.  Seems that all it serves
to do is confuse people that should really be looking at rsync.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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