On Thu, 2 May 2002 11:04:06 -0700 Winston Gutkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Can anyone confirm or deny this? Both products mentioned are reputable virus
> checkers, so it would be nice to get some official feedback on the situation.

To date, every alarm about setup.exe has been either an invalid test by the
anti-virus software or a virus infection spread by some other means.  Send
your 'infected' copy to your anti-virus vendor if you want official
feedback __just as Elmar suggested__.

Just to be certain, I confirmed my Norton Anti-Virus is completely up to
date, downloaded a fresh copy of setup.exe, and scanned it.  It was clean. 
The way setup.exe is created and distributed makes infection at Redhat
(cygwin.com) or one of the mirrors unlikely.

Since Klez is normally spread by people opening email attachments, you
should check if you have all received similar emails recently.  A full
system virus scan would be prudent on all potentially affected systems.

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
> > Of Elmar Haneke
> > Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 7:36
> > Subject: Re: Not to alarm anyone - but possible virus on
> > http://cygwin.com/setup.exe

> > Gianni Mariani schrieb::
> >
> > > I have some reasons to suspect that http://cygwin.com/setup.exe is
> > > infected with a virus that Norton and McAfree don't scan. well,
> > > sometimes they say it's Cles or Wez or somthing.
> > > This is the md5 of the setup.exe I downloaded.
> > >
> > > 616c0f35c0abf14d00a82a7bea1f1b2c  setup.exe
> > >
> > > I really hope this is a false alarm but it's too coincidental to not
> > > bring to some-one's attention.
> >
> > I did download the same file, f-prot an AntiVir did not find anything
> > suspect. You should send the file the the vendors of yor AV-Software,
> > the should fix their scan-engine.

Mac :})
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