On Fri, 3 May 2002 05:53:01 -0500  Patrick Quinnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have 2 installations, 1 at work and 1 at home. The 
> setup at home does crazy things with the keyboard. I
> have to play games with the SHIFT key to get simple
> UNIX commands : I have to hit the SHIFT key to get a 
> dash yet no SHIFT to get an *.  My work install is 
> fine.  Is there an .ini I should be looking at ???

0.  Most email clients will let you change the subject line.  It is
generally a good idea to do so when you change the topic.  It would also be
polite to trim the address list and message contents.

1.  How do you start Cygwin?  The main possibilities are the desktop icon
created by setup.exe, rxvt, and X-Windows.  They all have different
interfaces so without knowing, it's very hard to guess.  If you are using
yet another method, it is even harder.

2.  What shell are you using?  If you switch shells, (bash to tcsh or sh
for instance) do the symptoms change?

So far, this sounds more like a hardware or Windows keyboard driver problem
than a Cygwin problem.

Mac :})
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