On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 10:32:04PM -0400, John Haggerty wrote:
>As far as I can see, setup and are still broken, as
>described on this list.  
>In case it's not clear, you go through an entire download, and the last
>thing to be downloaded reports "Download Incomplete" on a popup, and as
>far as I can see, you can never correctly install Cygwin.  Like other
>correspondents, I've tried several combinations of mirrors and download
>styles, and none of them seem to work correctly or completely or at
>least without very alarming sounding error messages.  Beats me whether
>the post-install script works or not.
>If you're going to work on this, could you leave a working version in
>place while you do so, and try it before posting it?  Thanks.

The current version is working for me and a number of other people.

Don't know how you missed this...


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