On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 04:48:43AM -0700, Nicholas Wourms wrote:
>I just installed the new findutils and attempted to run updatedb.  It
>returned a popup box stating that "A required .DLL file,
>C:\CYGWIN\USR\SBIN\FRCODE.EXE, was not found." Upon further
>invesitgation, I discovered that /usr/sbin/frcode does exist, it just
>doesn't have the .exe on it.  Bash reports "/usr/bin/updatedb:
>/usr/sbin/frcode: permission denied" and waits until I hit ctrl-c.  I
>am running the latest cygwin release with a freshly compiled cygwin
>tools done from cvs this morning.  My host system is Windows ME based.
>Just a heads up...

Hmm.  I thought that ME could handle filenames without .exe extensions.

Oh well.  I've uploaded a new version of findutils.  Thanks for the
heads up.

Just to stave off the inevitable, I'm not going to send out another
announcement about this.


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